Nerd blog.

01 Feb 2020

MPLS Labels Explained

Sometimes the easiest way to understand a complex subject is just to see it in action.
29 Jan 2020

Troubleshooting a Duplicate OSPF Router ID

I ran into an strange issue today. The problem was reported as "can't upload on a speed test".
19 Jan 2020

Centrally Managed WiFi with MikroTik CAPsMAN

MikroTik has been known in the WISP wireless world for a long time for their wireless PTP and PTMP products. However more recently they have also started making WiFi products aimed at home, office, and enterprise networks. These products can be centrally managed with Controlled Access Point system MANager, or CAPsMAN.
25 Apr 2019

Inadvertent Transit

This blog post is about an actual real life, local network situation that happened several days ago. This is an excellent learning example about a perfect storm of small things causing a network outage. It is also an excellent learning example of how logs of what happened in public BGP via MRT files can be extremely useful.
09 Feb 2019

Fastnetmon on Ubuntu 18.04

I've spent some time trying to manually install Fastnetmon community edition on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. I was unsuccessful. However, I didn't do an apt-cache search fastnetmon. There is a package in universe. Bionic Beaver also includes exabgp 4.0.2 by default.